Yin Qian  

Clinic Planning Design All For

Clinic planning design

3 jours à 3 semaines

CHF 42.90

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Xiaobo Quan PhD is an EDAC (evidence-based design accreditation and certification) research associate at the Design Foundation. Klappentext In the design of a clinic! besides the core functional areas such as waiting area! reception and treatment area! the designer should also consider some details inside and outside the clinic! e.g. outdoor parking! entrance canopy! width of the corridor! door¿s opening mode! size of the toilet! patient¿s privacy! materials for floor! wall and ceiling! colour palette and future expansion. Referencing related guidelines and recommendations! the book selects 27 works of clinic design in 7 categories

Éditeur Design Media
Format Livre Broché
Langue Français
Parution 11 - 2015
Nombre de pages 262
EAN 9789881566300
Dimensions 230 x 300 x 30 mm