Giraud, Jean  

Cohomologie non abelienne

3 jours à 3 semaines

CHF 122.00

Résumé du livre

Klappentext Now a common tool and object of study! stacks were introduced in this book as a framework for the study of non-abelian cohomology classes in degrees 1 and 2 on an arbitrary topos. The book shows that these cohomology classes can be represented by geometric objects called torsors and gerbes! and provides a detailed study of their basic properties. Since their introduction in this book! gerbes have become a widespread tool in geometry and topology. A timeless classic! this French language book remains to this day a key reference for fibred categories! stacks! torsors! gerbes and topos.

Éditeur Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Format Livre Relié
Langue Français
Parution 01 - 1971
Nombre de pages 484
EAN 9783540053071
Dimensions 160 x 241 x 31 mm