Moira, Cockell   Jérôme, Billotte   Frédéric, Darbellay   Francis, Waldvogel  

Common Knowledge

The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity


CHF 72.50

Résumé du livre

Knowledge is a living thing, sustained through dynamic reflexive processes. Whether at the level of cellular signaling pathways, Internet design, or sociocultural interactions, human understanding grows and accrues value through bi-directional transmission across networks of emitters and receptors. And the cross-fertilization of ideas from different sources is what keeps the process vigorous. This book represents a coherent milestone in cultivating constructive exchange between experts and specialists from the physical, natural, economic and human science disciplines. From its sixteen original and highly personal essays portraying multiple facets of the knowledge creation process, emerge a common sense of purpose and a framework of new tools and methodologies for interdisciplinary dialogue.

Éditeur EPFL Press English Imprint
Format Livre Broché
Langue Français
Parution 01 - 2011
Nombre de pages 256
EAN 9782940222322
Dimensions 160 x 240 x  mm