Riffet Xavier  

Jardin des Plantes : the guide

3 jours à 3 semaines

CHF 22.50

Résumé du livre

A souvenir guide for your visit.

A journey through time and the various spaces within the Jardin des Plantes in Paris.

Over the course of innumerable expeditions and thanks to generations of naturalists, this major hub spanning four centuries of the history of science has compiled a veritable encyclopaedia, rich in species from the world over, flag bearers of knowledge.

Lamarck square, Thouin square, The iris and perennials garden, The rose and rock garden, The labyrinth, The glasshouses, The alpine garden, The ecological garden...

Enriched with photographs that capture its atmosphere and its most emblematic specimens.

Éditeur Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
Format Livre Broché
Collection GUIDES
Catégorie Nature
Langue Français
Parution 05 - 2021
Nombre de pages 111
EAN 9782382790021
Dimensions 20 x 230 x 10 mm