Schrecker, Ellen  

Many are the Crimes

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Résumé du livre

Klappentext From an award-winning McCarthy scholar comes the first post-Cold War exploration of the anticommunist witch-hunt and its devastating impact. Tracing the way that a network of dedicated anticommunists created blacklists and destroyed organizations, this broadbased inquiry reveals the connections between McCarthyism's disparate elements in the belief that understanding its terrible mechanics can prevent a repetition. 8 pp. of photos. 352 pp. Author publicity. National ads. 15,000 print. Zusammenfassung From an award-winning McCarthy scholar comes the first post-Cold War exploration of the anticommunist witch-hunt and its devastating impact. Tracing the way that a network of dedicated anticommunists created blacklists and destroyed organizations, this broadbased inquiry reveals the connections between McCarthyism's disparate elements in the belief that understanding its terrible mechanics can prevent a repetition. of photos.

Éditeur Little Brown USA
Format Livre Relié
Langue Français
Parution 01 - 1998
ISBN 978-0-316-77470-3
EAN 9780316774703
Dimensions 160 x 242 x 40 mm