
Nanotechnology Abstracts

2 à 4 jours

CHF 86.40

Résumé du livre

Klappentext Nanotechnology is a 'catch-all' description of activities at the level of atoms and molecules that have applications in the real world. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre! that is! about 1/80!000 of the diameter of a human hair! or 10 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Nanotechnology is now used in precision engineering! new materials development as well as in electronics; electromechanical systems as well as mainstream biomedical applications in areas such as gene therapy! drug delivery and novel drug discovery techniques. This book presents carefully selected abstracts of the last 5 years in this frontier field. Special access is provide by author! title and subject indexes.

Éditeur Nova Science Pu
Format Livre Relié
Langue Français
Parution 02 - 2004
EAN 9781590334119