Thalmann, Rita (1926-2013)  

Protestantisme et nationalisme en Allemagne : De 1900 à 1945


CHF 48.40

Résumé du livre

Zusammenfassung Offers an account of what it's like to suffer from a compulsion to look for love in what are most definitely the wrong places. In this memoir of her 28 days in a clinic for female sex addicts, the author revisits her past behaviour as she learns to put her demons behind her and discover what love really means.

Éditeur Klincksieck
Format Livre Broché
Catégorie Lettres et lingustique
Langue Français
Parution 05 - 2000
Nombre de pages 482
EAN 9782252018859
Dimensions 240 x 160 x 30 mm