Sente Yves  

Xiii Volume 23 Jason Mclane's Inheritan

2 à 4 jours

CHF 17.80

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Yves Sente began writing scripts in 1999 and has already acquired considerable clout, being chosen as successor to Van Hamme for the series Thorgal and the sequel to XIII and working with Van Hamme on Blake & Mortimer . Arrived from Russia with his first completed project in hand, Youri Jigounov proved himself to the Franco-Belgian comic scene with series Alpha , so much so that his elegant, precise art was chosen to succeed William Vance's . Klappentext A man washes ashore with a serious head injury. His memory gone, all he has to find out his own identity is a mysterious tattoo: XIII. A legendary adventure series now in its second cycle!

Éditeur Cinebook
Format Livre Broché
Langue Français
Parution 08 - 2018
EAN 9781849184052
Dimensions 190 x 260 x 10 mm